Trade literature,


Trade literature,

Item : Dynamite in the orchard; Tree planting, n.d. Item : Pension rules and regulations, 1909. Item : Farming with dynamite; A few hints to farmers, 1910. Item : Practical talks by farmers to farmers on how to clear land of boulders and stumps by the use of dynamite, [1910]. Item : Farming with explosives; A new idea, breaking up hard-pan; Tree planting, [1910]. Item : Ditching with Du Pont dynamite, [1910]. Item : Drainage with Du Pont red cross dynamite, [1912]. Item : Blasting clay banks, 1912. Item : "Safety first"; An address delivered to the employes of the Repauno Works, March, 1913, by the chairman of the High Explosives Operating Department's Safety Committee, 1913. Item : Du Pont permissible explosives for gaseous or dusty coal mines; Monobel, carbonite, 1914.

10 items.


SNAC Resource ID: 8308843

Hagley Museum & Library

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